Sometimes it makes us sad, but sometimes it just has to go. There are plenty of reasons why you’ve perhaps had to say goodbye to a tree. Has it died or was diseased? Maybe a storm left it damaged beyond repair, or maybe it got too close to the power lines. No matter the reason, there is something you mustn’t forget after removing a tree – and that’s the stump. In fact, removing tree stumps is arguably just as important as removing the tree itself.

Why you might remove a tree stump

First of all, maybe it’s unsightly. Perhaps you’re worried the roots might cause a problem. Tree stumps can also spread decay and fungi and attract pests, and sometimes they become a dangerous trip hazard.

So you’ve decided to get rid of it, but that just begs the question – How to get rid of tree stumps?

Firstly, a warning: while you can read and learn about how to remove a tree stump, it really is something you should consider getting an experienced arborist to do for you. You may be handy and you may have some tools and some energy, but this arborist has seen many a lawn ruined by someone trying to rip a tree stump out with a bit of chain and a V8 ute!

Secondly, without the right know-how, experience, specialist equipment and training, removing tree stumps are difficult and often downright dangerous.

Want to know how to remove tree stumps anyway? Read on:

1. Chemicals

If you’ve got the time to wait, chemicals can rot away at even a big tree stump – and it’s quite an inexpensive way to remove a tree stump. It will take weeks or months to happen, but it’s doable.

Drill some big, deep holes into the trunk, and fill it with the stump removing chemical before covering it all up. Four or five weeks later, you’ll find a soft, stodgy stump that you should be able to hack away with an axe or pick. depending on the size of the tree stump you may need to repeat the process a few times.

2. Manual labour

Feeling energetic or in a hurry? Pull up your sleeves and get ready for a long and tiring day. You’ll need tools like a bow saw, axe, digging bar and mattock – but if it’s a particularly big trunk, you’ll probably also need a stump grinder.

First, use the mattock to loosen up the ground around the stump, and dig it out to expose the roots. Sever the roots with the axe or saw, and try to pull that tree stump out. It won’t be easy, but – again – it’s doable for the determined!

3. Fire

Often, keen do-it-yourselfers will resort to kerosene if their efforts with chemicals or their elbow grease have failed. As with the chemical option, drill some wide, deep holes in the stump and pour your fuel in – and then ensure that every part of the stump is saturated. Next: step back and set it alight.

Just remember that fuel and matches are dangerous, and that your neighbours have rights too!

4. Stump grinder

As we said earlier, bigger tree stumps will require a stump grinder – but they’re not exactly cheap, and they’re also heavy and difficult to use. It will also be necessary to have a chainsaw to cut away as much of the stump as possible before proceeding, and also to have some pretty good advice about the precise method, safety instructions and – crucially – protective wear from someone in the know.

5. Call an arborist!

But let’s be honest – is manually getting rid of tree stumps really something you’ve got time for? And, if you do, are you really confident you won’t damage your property or – even worse – yourself in the midst of this difficult and dangerous project?

Professional Tree Services Gold Coast

Whether you need tree removal, stump grinding, pruning or anything else, our team of qalified arborists are ready to help.

stump grinding gold coast

JC Tree Services know exactly how to remove that tree stump at your place. With equipment featuring high-speed cutting disks and tungsten carbon teeth and professional stump grinders, we have all the machines under the sun to do Gold Coast tree stump removal quickly and inexpensively while you sit back and watch. And we’ll even dispose of the stump for you as well! So save your back, your time, money, by giving JC Tree Services a call today.

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