We’ve all heard the saying about the need to ‘get rid of the deadwood’ in our lives. It means to say goodbye to the people and preoccupations that are holding us back – but where does that saying come from? Trees, of course! Deadwood removal, quite literally, is the process of getting rid of a tree’s dead wood and branches, which have ‘died’ due to age, damage, disease, weather, fungi, a lack of sap or dehydration – and now threaten the health of the tree overall.

Does cutting off dead branches help a tree?

Removing deadwood in a timely and proper way is simply good for your tree. Its presence doesn’t mean the tree itself is dying, but leaving it there can limit a tree’s growth potential and health either through:

  • The spreading of fungus
  • Enabling a tree to use its energy to thrive rather than shed its own deadwood
  • Allowing the tree to reach its most efficient size & shape
  • Preventing extensive tree damage through the natural and uncontrolled shedding of deadwood
  • Stopping the exposure of ‘heartwood’ which can attract pests, disease & fungus and lead to trunk rotting.

So, yes – deadwood removal really is a kind thing you can do for your tree’s survival, health and thriving. But did you know there are at least 4 other reasons why removing deadwood is also a good idea for YOU and your HOME?:

1. Safety

Once branches die, they’ll eventually detach themselves from the tree naturally – often on a particularly windy day. When they do, are you sure they won’t drop on something very expensive below – like your or your neighbour’s roof? Even worse would be if a heavy chunk of deadwood drops on a person when they least suspect it.

2. Health

The thing about deadwood is that the next step is rotting, decay and the thriving of fungal infections. Some fungal varieties can spread and seriously damage an entire tree, while deadwood infection is the perfect breeding ground for harmful pests and diseases.

3. The law

As a tree owner, you have responsibilities – even legal ones. That’s particularly true if your tree is near a boundary or close to an adjoining property or structure, and your responsibilities include the deadwood. In Queensland alone, laws require you to pay attention to anything with your tree that could:

  • Injure someone
  • Damage something
  • Affect your neighbour’s use of their property

4. The look

It’s not just that the deadwood itself is unsightly – the uncontrolled falling of deadwood can throw your tree out of aesthetic balance, In other words, a poorly maintained and trimmed tree can be plain ugly!

Professional Tree Services Gold Coast

Whether you need tree removal, stump grinding, pruning or anything else, our team of qalified arborists are ready to help.

Ask a Pro to do your deadwood removal

Most of the time, you should put your trees’ deadwood removal needs in the hands of qualified, experienced and fully trained & licensed Gold Coast arborists. That’s not only because the task at hand may require a permit, but because they have all the expertise, techniques and specialised equipment to get it done promptly and affordably whilst ensuring all property, people and the tree itself are properly protected.

Is your tree’s deadwood overdue for removal? The most dedicated tree maintenance specialists is standing by and can come to you all across the region – from northern NSW through South Brisbane, the scenic rim and beyond. Ask the friendly team at JC Tree Services about deadwood removal today.

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